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Introduction #

express-sequelize-ts is a TypeScript-based boilerplate that enables the creation of web applications using the Express framework and Sequelize ORM.

I developed this boilerplate to assist with the development of some legacy node.js services in my workplace.
I intended to create a boilerplate that could be utilized in various scenarios 🧑‍💻.
As a developer, I hope this boilerplate proves to be helpful to someone like myself 🥸.

Technology Stacks #

  • Express for handling HTTP requests and responses
  • Sequelize ORM for interacting with a database
  • TypeScript for strong typing and better code organization
  • Docker for containerization to keep the development environment consistent
  • TypeStack for building decorator based applications

Development Features #

  • Jest for unit and integration testing
  • ESLint for linting
  • Prettier for code formatting
  • JWT authentication for secure access to the API
  • A Layered architecture (Controller, Service, Repository, Model).
  • Data Transfer Object (DTO) for data validation
  • Dependency injection for better code organization
  • Swagger for API documentation

Challenges and Solutions #

While developing express services with JavaScript, I often faced issues with type safety and code organization 🤔.
To minimize the time spent on these problems and concentrate on the business logic, I decided to use TypeScript and Decorator-based programming as solutions.

Although options like NestJS or TSOA exist, I chose TypeStack to build decorator-based applications to avoid the risk of resource consumption and a learning curve.
If you’re curious about why I chose TypeStack, please refer to my post here 🥸.

Conclusion #

It could not be the perfect solution for everyone, but I hope this boilerplate will assist you in developing a web application with TypeScript, Express, and Sequelize 🙏.
If you have any questions or recommendations, please get in touch with me.

What’s next? #

  • Add unit test
  • Add integration test
  • Add docker containerization
  • Add swagger ui
  • Write more specific documentation
  • Develop a new feature
Jaeyong Shim
Jaeyong Shim
Software Developer 👨‍💻